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Wordscapes Level 5958 Answers

Wordscapes Level 5958 Answers

Welcome to our Wordscapes Cheats and Answers Guide on Wordscapes Level 5958 Answers. Directly below you will see every word included in this particular level as well as their definitions. There are also extra or bonus words and their respective definitions for those of you who love a challenge.

Wordscapes Level 5958 belongs in the Sublime Group and Stars Pack.

Table of Contents

Wordscapes Level 5958 Answers – Included Words

There are 17 words in this level that make up the complete puzzle. The order that the words are filled in is not important so we will provide you with the list in alphabetical order so your brain doesn’t hurt any more than it has to:


Wordscapes Level 5958 Answers – Definitions of Included Words

  1. AIL – to cause pain, uneasiness, or trouble to.
  2. AIR – a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and minute amounts of other gases that surrounds the earth and forms its atmosphere.
  3. ALSO – in addition; too; besides; as well: He was thin, and he was also tall.
  4. LAIR – a den or resting place of a wild animal: The cougar retired to its lair.
  5. LIAR – a person who tells lies.
  6. OAR – a long shaft with a broad blade at one end, used as a lever for rowing or otherwise propelling or steering a boat.
  7. OIL – any of a large class of substances typically unctuous, viscous, combustible, liquid at ordinary temperatures, and soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water: used for anointing, perfuming, lubricating, illuminating, heating, etc.
  8. ORAL – uttered by the mouth; spoken: oral testimony.
  9. RAIL – a bar of wood or metal fixed horizontally for any of various purposes, as for a support, barrier, fence, or railing.
  10. ROIL – to render (water, wine, etc.) turbid by stirring up sediment.
  11. SAIL – an area of canvas or other fabric extended to the wind in such a way as to transmit the force of the wind to an assemblage of spars and rigging mounted firmly on a hull, raft, iceboat, etc., so as to drive it along.
  12. SAILOR – a person whose occupation is sailing or navigation; mariner.
  13. SILO – a structure, typically cylindrical, in which fodder or forage is kept: The dairy farm’s two biggest buildings were the barn and the silo full of feed for the cows.
  14. SIR – a respectful or formal term of address used to a man: No, sir.
  15. SOAR – to fly upward, as a bird.
  16. SOIL – the portion of the earth’s surface consisting of disintegrated rock and humus.
  17. SOLAR – of or relating to the sun: solar phenomena.

Further definitions of these words can be found at:!

So there you have it. Simples.

If you would like a bit more of a challenge, you can stop scrolling here and try to fill out the puzzle without checking out the visual cheat to come.

If however, you would like further assistance or perhaps you would just like to advance to the next level quicker you can check out the visual below for how to fill in the puzzle exactly.

Wordscapes Level 5958 Answers – Visual

Below is a visual of the completed board.

wordscapes level 5958 answers

Did you end up with the same solution? Well done if you did!

If you are like me, just completing a puzzle is not enough, especially when there are bonuses on offer. Check out these Extra and Bonus words below to help you along the way.

Wordscapes Level 5958 Answers – Extra or Bonus Words

There are 54 extra or bonus words in this level.

Disclaimer: Some of these may seem odd, but rest assured they do work!


Wordscapes Level 5958 Answers – Definitions of Extra or Bonus Words

  1. AILS – to cause pain, uneasiness, or trouble to.
  2. AIRS – affected manners intended to impress others (esp in the phrases give oneself airs, put on airs)
  3. AIS – Australian Institute of Sport
  4. ALS – amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  5. ARIL – a usually fleshy appendage or covering of certain seeds, as of the bittersweet, Celastrus scandens, or the nutmeg.
  6. ARILS – a usually fleshy appendage or covering of certain seeds, as of the bittersweet, Celastrus scandens, or the nutmeg.
  7. ARIS – a suffix occurring in scientific terms: Polaris.
  8. ARS – advanced record system.
  9. IOS – a small, solitary hawk, Buteo solitarius, having two plumage phases and breeding only on the Island of Hawaii, where it is a rare species and the only indigenous bird of prey: classified as near threatened.
  10. ISO – isolated camera.
  11. LAIRS – a den or resting place of a wild animal: The cougar retired to its lair.
  12. LAR – (initial capital letter)Roman Religion. any of the Lares.
  13. LARI – an aluminum coin and monetary unit of the Maldives, one 100th of a rupee.
  14. LARIS – an aluminum coin and monetary unit of the Maldives, one 100th of a rupee.
  15. LARS – a male given name, form of Lawrence.
  16. LAS – the syllable used for the sixth tone of a diatonic scale.
  17. LIARS – a person who tells lies.
  18. LIAS – the lowest series of rocks of the Jurassic system
  19. LIRA – a coin and monetary unit of Italy until the euro was adopted, equal to 100 centesimi. Abbreviation: L., Lit.
  20. LIRAS – a coin and monetary unit of Italy until the euro was adopted, equal to 100 centesimi. Abbreviation: L., Lit.
  21. LIS – the solmization syllable used for the semitone between the sixth and seventh degrees of a scale.
  22. LOIR
  23. LOIRS
  24. LOR – not standard an exclamation of surprise or dismay
  25. LORIS – any of various small, arboreal, nocturnal mammals of the family Lorisidae, with large eyes and lacking a tail, comprising two genera, Loris (the slender lorises) and Nycticebus (the slow lorises).
  26. LOS – look! see! (frequently used in Biblical expressions; now usually used as an expression of surprise in the phrase lo and behold ).
  27. OARS – (used as a command to the crew of a scull or other similar boat to cease rowing and hold the oars horizontal with blades feathered.)
  28. OILS – any of a large class of substances typically unctuous, viscous, combustible, liquid at ordinary temperatures, and soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water: used for anointing, perfuming, lubricating, illuminating, heating, etc.
  29. OIS – a type of punk rock featuring violent, racist lyrics, associated especially with skinheads.
  30. ORA – plural of os2.
  31. ORALS – uttered by the mouth; spoken: oral testimony.
  32. ORS – (used to connect words, phrases, or clauses representing alternatives): books or magazines; to be or not to be.
  33. OSAR – Anatomy, Zoology. a bone.
  34. RAI – a style of Algerian popular music played on electric guitar, synthesizer, and percussion instruments.
  35. RAILS – a bar of wood or metal fixed horizontally for any of various purposes, as for a support, barrier, fence, or railing.
  36. RAIS – Gilles de. Retz, Gilles de Laval, Baron de.
  37. RAS – Royal Agricultural Society
  38. RIA – a long, narrow inlet of a river that gradually decreases in depth from mouth to head.
  39. RIAL – a silver or cupronickel coin and monetary unit of Iran, equal to 100 dinars.
  40. RIALS – a silver or cupronickel coin and monetary unit of Iran, equal to 100 dinars.
  41. RIAS – a long, narrow inlet of a river that gradually decreases in depth from mouth to head.
  42. ROILS – to render (water, wine, etc.) turbid by stirring up sediment.
  43. SAI
  44. SAIR – a Scot word for sore
  45. SAL – salt1.
  46. SAR – search and rescue.
  47. SARI – a garment worn by Hindu women, consisting of a long piece of cotton or silk wrapped around the body with one end draped over the head or over one shoulder.
  48. SIAL – the assemblage of rocks, rich in silica and alumina, that comprise the continental portions of the upper layer of the earth’s crust.
  49. SOL – the syllable used for the fifth tone of a diatonic scale.
  50. SOLA – an Indian shrub, Aeschynomene aspera, of the legume family, the pith of which is used for making helmets.
  51. SOLI – a combining form meaning “alone,” “solitary,” used in the formation of compound words: solifidian.
  52. SORA – a small, short-billed rail, Porzana carolina, of marshy areas of North America.
  53. SORI – the plural of sorus.
  54. SRI – a Hindu title of address prefixed to the name of a deity, holy person, etc.

Further definitions of these words can be found at:!

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