How Republic

About Us

Hello! My name is Caroline,

I have loved playing challenging puzzles and online games all my life and have joined up with a bunch of people and families to share our interest together.

Just like you we have a love for Little Alchemy, Little Alchemy 2 and a whole bunch of other similar games. In fact we love them so much, we’ve probably spent way too much time playing them (please don’t tell our parents.. or our spouses… :P).

So we thought we’d create this site to share with you what we’ve discovered (and to make us all feel alot better about ourselves). We’ve started with the Little Alchemy Series. Each item or thing we make is list of steps from the basic 4 elements we start off with. This way, anybody interested in creating that particular item has a one stop shop to making that item without clicking multiple links (unless you really want to). If you then want to go into the absolute detail, in case you are new or sharing this with a friend starting out, we provide you with the detail following the list.

We are super excited to be sharing this with you and if you share in our excitement and would like to contribute, please feel free to let us know.

Please feel free to share this site with your friends and family as we all enjoy together!