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How to make Thread in Little Alchemy 2

How to make Thread in Little Alchemy 2

Welcome to our Little Alchemy 2 Cheats Guide on How to make Thread in Little Alchemy 2. Directly below you will see every step to making Thread from the 4 base items. No more clicking around sites or scrolling to actually make what you want right now, novel right?

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How to make Thread in Little Alchemy 2 from scratch

There are 17 steps to making Thread from scratch. You’re able to start from Step 1 if you are new and getting started in Little Alchemy 2. If you have made some of the items within these steps already, you are able to pick up from whereever you are at in your Little Alchemy 2 journey.

  1. Water and Water = Puddle
  2. Puddle and Water = Pond
  3. Pond and Water = Lake
  4. Lake and Water = Sea
  5. Earth and Sea = Primordial Soup
  6. Fire and Fire = Energy
  7. Energy and Primordial Soup = Life
  8. Earth and Life = Soil
  9. Earth and Earth = Land
  10. Earth and Land = Continent 
  11. Continent and Continent = Planet
  12. Air and Planet = Atmosphere
  13. Atmosphere and Water = Cloud
  14. Cloud and Water = Rain
  15. Rain and Soil = Plant
  16. Plant and Cloud = Cotton
  17. Cotton and Cotton = Thread

So there you have it. Simples.

If you are new to the game and would like further details or you’re sharing this with a friend who is just starting our, we do go into more detail below which may be helpful.

The following sections will guide you through in more detail if you require it. Where items in the steps have been previous created and posted before, we’ll simply provide the links by section to the post and you can open them up on other tabs.

Whether full details have been provided or a combination of details and links have been provided, you will have step by step details of creating each item with screenshots for every step.

How to make Cotton in Little Alchemy 2

The next step in creating Thread in Little Alchemy 2 is to create Cotton.

Click link for details on How to make Cotton in Little Alchemy 2

Now onwards to the final step in making Thread.

How to make Thread in Little Alchemy 2

Assuming you are already in the game:

Step 1 – Select COTTON from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select COTTON from the Elements panel and drop it on the COTTON which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Thread in Little Alchemy 2

Congratualtions, you have completely all the detailed steps on How to make Thread in Little Alchemy 2.

Now you have made Thread in Little Alchemy 2, you may like to visit the link below (if we’ve got to it) to see what Thread is used in making to expand your item set:

How to make Fabric in Little Alchemy 2

If this was helpful please like, share this around with your friends and family or send us an email so we can all have fun together!