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How to make Scythe in Little Alchemy

How to make Scythe in Little Alchemy

We hope you are enjoying playing Little Alchemy. Scythe is relatively easy to create in Little Alchemy as there are only a few steps starting from the basic 4 elements. As we believe in creating from the ground up, below are all the steps on how to make Scythe in Little Alchemy from scratch.

Table of Contents

How to Make Scythe in Little Alchemy from scratch

  1. Earth and Fire = Lava
  2. Lava and Air = Stone
  3. Fire and Stone = Metal
  4. Metal and Stone = Blade
  5. Air and Water = Rain
  6. Rain and Earth = Plant
  7. Earth and Plant = Grass
  8. Blade and Grass = Scythe

The first 3 steps in making Scythe is in making Blade and then the following 3 steps move towards making Grass. As we have covered these steps in another post so we will not bore you with repetition here but will provide you the links below.

How to make Blade in Little Alchemy

The first step in creating Scythe in Little Alchemy is to create Blade.

Click link for details on How to make Blade in Little Alchemy

Now onwards to the next step in making Scythe, making Grass.

How to make Grass in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Scythe in Little Alchemy is to create Grass.

Click link for details on How to make Grass in Little Alchemy

Only one more step to go!

How to make Scythe in Little Alchemy

Assuming you are already in the game:

Step 1 – Select BLADE from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select GRASS from the Elements panel and drop it on the BLADE which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Scythe in Little Alchemy

Congratulations. You’ve successfully made Scythe in Little Alchemy!

We hope you are having fun learning and sharing the game and loving the challenge of creating many many more things.

You may also be interested in How to make Wolf in Little Alchemy.