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Wordscapes Level 1386 Answers

Wordscapes Level 1386 Answers

Welcome to our Wordscapes Cheats and Answers Guide on Wordscapes Level 1386 Answers. Directly below you will see every word included in this particular level as well as their definitions. There are also extra or bonus words and their respective definitions for those of you who love a challenge.

Wordscapes Level 1386 belongs in the Celestial Group and Luna Pack.

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Wordscapes Level 1386 Answers – Included Words

There are 9 words in this level that make up the complete puzzle. The order that the words are filled in is not important so we will provide you with the list in alphabetical order so your brain doesn’t hurt any more than it has to:


Wordscapes Level 1386 Answers – Definitions of Included Words

  1. TINE – a sharp, projecting point or prong, as of a fork.
  2. TINGE – to impart a trace or slight degree of some color to; tint.
  3. TWIG – a slender shoot of a tree or other plant.
  4. TWIN – either of two children or animals brought forth at a birth.
  5. TWINE – a strong thread or string composed of two or more strands twisted together.
  6. TWINGE – a sudden, sharp pain: On damp days, he’s often bothered by a twinge of rheumatism.
  7. WENT – simple past tense of go1.
  8. WINE – the fermented juice of grapes, made in many varieties, such as red, white, sweet, dry, still, and sparkling, for use as a beverage, in cooking, in religious rites, etc., and usually having an alcoholic content of 14 percent or less.
  9. WING – either of the two forelimbs of most birds and of bats, corresponding to the human arms, that are specialized for flight.

Further definitions of these words can be found at:!

So there you have it. Simples.

If you would like a bit more of a challenge, you can stop scrolling here and try to fill out the puzzle without checking out the visual cheat to come.

If however, you would like further assistance or perhaps you would just like to advance to the next level quicker you can check out the visual below for how to fill in the puzzle exactly.

Wordscapes Level 1386 Answers – Visual

Below is a visual of the completed board.

wordscapes level 1386 answers

Did you end up with the same solution? Well done if you did!

If you are like me, just completing a puzzle is not enough, especially when there are bonuses on offer. Check out these Extra and Bonus words below to help you along the way.

Wordscapes Level 1386 Answers – Extra or Bonus Words

There are 37 extra or bonus words in this level.

Disclaimer: Some of these may seem odd, but rest assured they do work!


Wordscapes Level 1386 Answers – Definitions of Extra or Bonus Words

  1. ENG – the symbol, ŋ, that, in the International Phonetic Alphabet and in the pronunciation alphabets of some dictionaries, represents the voiced velar nasal consonant indicated in English spelling by (ng), as in the pronunciations of cling [kling] /klɪŋ/ and clink [klingk]. /klɪŋk/.
  2. EWT
  3. GEIT
  4. GEN – a combining form meaning “that which produces,” used in the formation of compound words: endogen; hydrogen.
  5. GENT – Informal. gentleman (defs. 1, 2).
  6. GET – to receive or come to have possession, use, or enjoyment of: to get a birthday present; to get a pension.
  7. GIE – give.
  8. GIEN – give.
  9. GIN – an alcoholic liquor obtained by distilling grain mash with juniper berries.
  10. GIT – British Slang. a foolish or contemptible person.
  11. GITE – a furnished vacation home in France that is available for rental, especially in a rural setting.
  12. GWINE – present participle of go1.
  13. ING – a suffix of nouns formed from verbs, expressing the action of the verb or its result, product, material, etc. (the art of building; a new building; cotton wadding). It is also used to form nouns from words other than verbs (offing; shirting). Verbal nouns ending in -ing are often used attributively (the printing trade) and in forming compounds (drinking song). In some compounds (sewing machine), the first element might reasonably be regarded as the participial adjective, -ing2, the compound thus meaning “a machine that sews,” but it is commonly taken as a verbal noun, the compound being explained as “a machine for sewing.”
  14. NEG – Informal. a photographic negative.
  15. NET – a bag or other contrivance of strong thread or cord worked into an open, meshed fabric, for catching fish, birds, or other animals: a butterfly net.
  16. NEW – of recent origin, production, purchase, etc.; having but lately come or been brought into being: a new book.
  17. NEWT – any of several brilliantly colored salamanders of the family Salamandridae, especially those of the genera Triturus and Notophthalmus, of North America, Europe, and northern Asia.
  18. NIE
  19. NIT – the egg of a parasitic insect, especially of a louse, often attached to a hair or a fiber of clothing.
  20. NITE – an informal, simplified spelling of night.
  21. TEG – Animal Husbandry. a two-year-old sheep that has not been shorn. the wool shorn from such a sheep.
  22. TEIN
  23. TEN – a cardinal number, nine plus one.
  24. TEW
  25. TEWING
  26. TIE – to bind, fasten, or attach with a cord, string, or the like, drawn together and knotted: to tie a tin can on a dog’s tail.
  27. TIG – another name for tag 1 (def. 1), tag 2 (def. 4)
  28. TIGE
  29. TIN – Chemistry. a low-melting, malleable, ductile metallic element nearly approaching silver in color and luster: used in plating and in making alloys, tinfoil, and soft solders. Symbol: Sn; atomic weight: 118.69; atomic number: 50; specific gravity: 7.31 at 20°C.
  30. TING – to make or cause to make a high, clear, ringing sound.
  31. WEN – Pathology. a benign encysted tumor of the skin, especially on the scalp, containing sebaceous matter; a sebaceous cyst.
  32. WET – moistened, covered, or soaked with water or some other liquid: wet hands.
  33. WIG
  34. WIN – to finish first in a race, contest, or the like.
  35. WINGE
  36. WIT – the keen perception and cleverly apt expression of those connections between ideas that awaken amusement and pleasure.
  37. WITE – (in Anglo-Saxon law) a fine imposed by a king or lord on a subject who committed a serious crime. a fee demanded for granting a special privilege.

Further definitions of these words can be found at:!

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