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Wordscapes Level 2340 Answers

Wordscapes Level 2340 Answers

Welcome to our Wordscapes Cheats and Answers Guide on Wordscapes Level 2340 Answers. Directly below you will see every word included in this particular level as well as their definitions. There are also extra or bonus words and their respective definitions for those of you who love a challenge.

Wordscapes Level 2340 belongs in the Arid Group and Sand Pack.

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Wordscapes Level 2340 Answers – Included Words

There are 7 words in this level that make up the complete puzzle. The order that the words are filled in is not important so we will provide you with the list in alphabetical order so your brain doesn’t hurt any more than it has to:


Wordscapes Level 2340 Answers – Definitions of Included Words

  1. BLOG – a website containing a writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other websites.
  2. BOLO – a large, heavy, single-edged knife or machete for hacking, used in the Philippines and by the U.S. Army.
  3. BOOK – a handwritten or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers.
  4. GLOB – a drop or globule of a liquid.
  5. LOGBOOK – a book in which details of a trip made by a ship or aircraft are recorded; log
  6. LOGO – Also called logotype. a graphic representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.
  7. LOOK – to turn one’s eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see: He looked toward the western horizon and saw the returning planes.

Further definitions of these words can be found at:!

So there you have it. Simples.

If you would like a bit more of a challenge, you can stop scrolling here and try to fill out the puzzle without checking out the visual cheat to come.

If however, you would like further assistance or perhaps you would just like to advance to the next level quicker you can check out the visual below for how to fill in the puzzle exactly.

Wordscapes Level 2340 Answers – Visual

Below is a visual of the completed board.

wordscapes level 2340 answers

Did you end up with the same solution? Well done if you did!

If you are like me, just completing a puzzle is not enough, especially when there are bonuses on offer. Check out these Extra and Bonus words below to help you along the way.

Wordscapes Level 2340 Answers – Extra or Bonus Words

There are 20 extra or bonus words in this level.

Disclaimer: Some of these may seem odd, but rest assured they do work!


Wordscapes Level 2340 Answers – Definitions of Extra or Bonus Words

  1. BLOOK – a book published on a weblog in a series of instalments
  2. BOG – wet, spongy ground with soil composed mainly of decayed vegetable matter.
  3. BOK – Edward William, 1863–1930, U.S. editor and writer, born in the Netherlands.
  4. BOKO
  5. BOO – (used to express contempt or disapprobation or to startle or frighten).
  6. BOOL – a bowling bowl
  7. GOB – a mass or lump.
  8. GOBO – a screen or mat covered with a dark material for shielding a camera lens from excess light or glare.
  9. GOO – a thick or sticky substance: Wash that goo off your hands.
  10. GOOK – guck.
  11. GOOL
  12. KOB – an African antelope, Kobus kob, related to the puku and the lechwe.
  13. KOBO – a bronze coin and monetary unit of Nigeria, one 100th of a naira.
  14. KOLO – a Serbian folk dance performed by a group arranged in a circle, with the soloists in the center.
  15. LOB – Tennis. to hit (a ball) in a high arc to the back of the opponent’s court.
  16. LOBO – the gray or timber wolf of the western U.S.
  17. LOG – a portion or length of the trunk or of a large limb of a felled tree.
  18. LOO – a card game in which forfeits are paid into a pool.
  19. OBO
  20. OBOL – a silver coin of ancient Greece, the sixth part of a drachma.

Further definitions of these words can be found at:!

Congratulations, you have completed both the included words as well as the bonus and extra words which make up the Wordscapes Level 2340 Answers.

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