Welcome to our Wordscapes Cheats and Answers Guide on Wordscapes Level 714 Answers. Directly below you will see every word included in this particular level as well as their definitions. There are also extra or bonus words and their respective definitions for those of you who love a challenge.
Wordscapes Level 714 belongs in the Jungle Group and Green Pack.
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Wordscapes Level 714 Answers – Included Words
There are 8 words in this level that make up the complete puzzle. The order that the words are filled in is not important so we will provide you with the list in alphabetical order so your brain doesn’t hurt any more than it has to:
Wordscapes Level 714 Answers – Definitions of Included Words
- LILY – any scaly-bulbed plant of the genus Lilium, having showy, funnel-shaped or bell-shaped flowers.Compare lily family.
- LOWLY – humble in station, condition, or nature: a lowly cottage.
- OILY – smeared or covered with oil; greasy: an oily road surface.
- WILL – am (is, are, etc.) about or going to: I will be there tomorrow. She will see you at dinner.
- WILLOW – any tree or shrub of the genus Salix, characterized by narrow, lance-shaped leaves and dense catkins bearing small flowers, many species having tough, pliable twigs or branches used for wickerwork, etc.Compare willow family.
- WILLOWY – pliant; lithe.
- WILY – full of, marked by, or proceeding from wiles; crafty; cunning.
- YOWL – to utter a long, distressful or dismal cry, as an animal or a person; howl.
Further definitions of these words can be found at: Dictionary.com!
So there you have it. Simples.
If you would like a bit more of a challenge, you can stop scrolling here and try to fill out the puzzle without checking out the visual cheat to come.
If however, you would like further assistance or perhaps you would just like to advance to the next level quicker you can check out the visual below for how to fill in the puzzle exactly.
Wordscapes Level 714 Answers – Visual
Below is a visual of the completed board.
Did you end up with the same solution? Well done if you did!
If you are like me, just completing a puzzle is not enough, especially when there are bonuses on offer. Check out these Extra and Bonus words below to help you along the way.
Wordscapes Level 714 Answers – Extra or Bonus Words
There are 13 extra or bonus words in this level.
Disclaimer: Some of these may seem odd, but rest assured they do work!
Wordscapes Level 714 Answers – Definitions of Extra or Bonus Words
- ILL – of unsound physical or mental health; unwell; sick: She felt ill, so her teacher sent her to the nurse.
- ILLY – ill.
- LILO – trademark a type of inflatable plastic or rubber mattress
- LOL – laughing out loud; laugh out loud: used as a response to something funny or as a follow-up to something said only as a joke: You can see from the pics that my dog did not appreciate how we dressed him up for Halloween this year. LOL!
- LOW – situated, placed, or occurring not far above the ground, floor, or base: a low shelf.
- LOY – a female given name.
- OIL – any of a large class of substances typically unctuous, viscous, combustible, liquid at ordinary temperatures, and soluble in ether or alcohol but not in water: used for anointing, perfuming, lubricating, illuminating, heating, etc.
- OWL – any of numerous, chiefly nocturnal birds of prey, of the order Strigiformes, having a broad head with large, forward-directed eyes that are usually surrounded by disks of modified feathers: many populations are diminishing owing to loss of habitat.
- WILLY – willow (def. 4).
- WOW – (an exclamation of surprise, wonder, pleasure, or the like): Wow! Look at that!
- YILL – ale.
- YOW – (an exclamation or shout of pain, dismay, etc.)
Further definitions of these words can be found at: Dictionary.com!
Congratulations, you have completed both the included words as well as the bonus and extra words which make up the Wordscapes Level 714 Answers.
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