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How To Make Cape In Little Alchemy

How to make Cape in Little Alchemy

Welcome to our Little Alchemy Cheats Guide on How to make Cape in Little Alchemy. Directly below you will see every step to making Cape from the 4 base items. No more clicking around sites or scrolling to actually make what you want right now, novel right?

Table of Contents

How to make Cape in Little Alchemy from scratch

There are 24 steps to making Cape from scratch. You’re able to start from Step 1 if you are new and getting started in Little Alchemy. If you have made some of the items within these steps already, you are able to pick up from whereever you are at in your Little Alchemy journey.

  1. Water and Earth = Mud
  2. Fire and Earth = Lava
  3. Fire and Air = Energy
  4. Water and Air = Rain
  5. Water and Fire = Steam
  6. Rain and Earth = Plant
  7. Lava and Air = Stone
  8. Steam and Air = Cloud
  9. Stone and Fire = Metal
  10. Plant and Mud = Swamp
  11. Plant and Cloud = Cotton
  12. Swamp and Energy = Life
  13. Life and Earth = Human
  14. Life and Air = Bird
  15. Bird and Bird = Egg
  16. Metal and Human = Tool
  17. Swamp and Egg = Lizard
  18. Tool and Metal = Armor
  19. Lizard and Fire = Dragon
  20. Tool and Cotton = Thread
  21. Human and Armor = Knight
  22. Tool and Thread = Fabric
  23. Knight and Dragon = Hero
  24. Hero and Fabric = Cape

So there you have it. Simples.

If you are new to the game and would like further details or you’re sharing this with a friend who is just starting our, we do go into more detail below which may be helpful.

The following sections will guide you through in full detail with images and even item definitions for your convenience and education.

How to make Cape in Little Alchemy in Full Detail with Images

How to make Mud in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Mud.

Step 1 – Select Water from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Earth from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Mud in Little Alchemy
How to make Mud in Little Alchemy – Definition

Mud – wet, soft earth or earthy matter, as on the ground after rain, at the bottom of a pond, or along the banks of a river; mire.

Congratulations on making Mud!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Lava in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Lava.

Step 1 – Select Fire from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Earth from the Elements panel and drop it on the Fire which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Lava in Little Alchemy
How to make Lava in Little Alchemy – Definition

Lava – the molten, fluid rock that issues from a volcano or volcanic vent.

Congratulations on making Lava!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Energy in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Energy.

Step 1 – Select Fire from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Air from the Elements panel and drop it on the Fire which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Energy in Little Alchemy
How to make Energy in Little Alchemy – Definition

Energy – the capacity for vigorous activity; available power: I eat chocolate to get quick energy.

Congratulations on making Energy!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Rain in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Rain.

Step 1 – Select Water from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Air from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Rain in Little Alchemy
How to make Rain in Little Alchemy – Definition

Rain – water that is condensed from the aqueous vapor in the atmosphere and falls to earth in drops more than 0.02 inch (0.5 millimeters) in diameter.Compare drizzle (def. 6).

Congratulations on making Rain!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Steam in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Steam.

Step 1 – Select Water from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Fire from the Elements panel and drop it on the Water which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Steam in Little Alchemy
How to make Steam in Little Alchemy – Definition

Steam – water in the form of an invisible gas or vapor.

Congratulations on making Steam!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Plant in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Plant.

Step 1 – Select Rain from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Earth from the Elements panel and drop it on the Rain which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Plant in Little Alchemy
How to make Plant in Little Alchemy – Definition

Plant – Botany. any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that have more or less rigid cell walls containing cellulose, including vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, and hornworts: some classification schemes may include fungi, algae, bacteria, and certain single-celled eukaryotes that have plantlike qualities, as rigid cell walls or the use of photosynthesis.

Congratulations on making Plant!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Stone in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Stone.

Step 1 – Select Lava from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Air from the Elements panel and drop it on the Lava which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Stone in Little Alchemy
How to make Stone in Little Alchemy – Definition

Stone – the hard substance, formed of mineral matter, of which rocks consist.

Congratulations on making Stone!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Cloud in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Cloud.

Step 1 – Select Steam from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Air from the Elements panel and drop it on the Steam which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Cloud in Little Alchemy
How to make Cloud in Little Alchemy – Definition

Cloud – a visible collection of particles of water or ice suspended in the air, usually at an elevation above the earth’s surface.

Congratulations on making Cloud!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Metal in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Metal.

Step 1 – Select Stone from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Fire from the Elements panel and drop it on the Stone which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Metal in Little Alchemy
How to make Metal in Little Alchemy – Definition

Metal – any of a class of elementary substances, as gold, silver, or copper, all of which are crystalline when solid and many of which are characterized by opacity, ductility, conductivity, and a unique luster when freshly fractured.

Congratulations on making Metal!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Swamp in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Swamp.

Step 1 – Select Plant from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Mud from the Elements panel and drop it on the Plant which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Swamp in Little Alchemy
How to make Swamp in Little Alchemy – Definition

Swamp – a tract of wet, spongy land, often having a growth of certain types of trees and other vegetation, but unfit for cultivation.

Congratulations on making Swamp!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Cotton in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Cotton.

Step 1 – Select Plant from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Cloud from the Elements panel and drop it on the Plant which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Cotton in Little Alchemy
How to make Cotton in Little Alchemy – Definition

Cotton – a soft, white, downy substance consisting of the hairs or fibers attached to the seeds of plants belonging to the genus Gossypium, of the mallow family, used in making fabrics, thread, wadding, etc.

Congratulations on making Cotton!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Life in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Life.

Step 1 – Select Swamp from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Energy from the Elements panel and drop it on the Swamp which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Life in Little Alchemy
How to make Life in Little Alchemy – Definition

Life – the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.

Congratulations on making Life!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Human in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Human.

Step 1 – Select Life from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Earth from the Elements panel and drop it on the Life which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Human in Little Alchemy
How to make Human in Little Alchemy – Definition

Human – of, pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people: human frailty.

Congratulations on making Human!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Bird in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Bird.

Step 1 – Select Life from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Air from the Elements panel and drop it on the Life which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Bird in Little Alchemy
How to make Bird in Little Alchemy – Definition

Bird – any warm-blooded vertebrate of the class Aves, having a body covered with feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, scaly legs, a beak, and no teeth, and bearing young in a hard-shelled egg.

Congratulations on making Bird!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Egg in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Egg.

Step 1 – Select Bird from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Bird from the Elements panel and drop it on the Bird which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Egg in Little Alchemy
How to make Egg in Little Alchemy – Definition

Egg – the roundish reproductive body produced by the female of certain animals, as birds and most reptiles, consisting of an ovum and its envelope of albumen, jelly, membranes, egg case, or shell, according to species.

Congratulations on making Egg!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Tool in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Tool.

Step 1 – Select Metal from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Human from the Elements panel and drop it on the Metal which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Tool in Little Alchemy
How to make Tool in Little Alchemy – Definition

Tool – an implement, especially one held in the hand, as a hammer, saw, or file, for performing or facilitating mechanical operations.

Congratulations on making Tool!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Lizard in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Lizard.

Step 1 – Select Swamp from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Egg from the Elements panel and drop it on the Swamp which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Lizard in Little Alchemy
How to make Lizard in Little Alchemy – Definition

Lizard – any of numerous scaly reptiles of the suborder Sauria, order Squamata, typically having a moderately elongate body, a tapering tail, and two pairs of legs held outward from the body, comprising mostly terrestrial and burrowing species.

Congratulations on making Lizard!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Armor in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Armor.

Step 1 – Select Tool from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Metal from the Elements panel and drop it on the Tool which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Armor in Little Alchemy
How to make Armor in Little Alchemy – Definition

Armor – any covering worn as a defense against weapons.

Congratulations on making Armor!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Dragon in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Dragon.

Step 1 – Select Lizard from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Fire from the Elements panel and drop it on the Lizard which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Dragon in Little Alchemy
How to make Dragon in Little Alchemy – Definition

Dragon – a mythical monster generally represented as a huge, winged reptile with crested head and enormous claws and teeth, and often spouting fire.

Congratulations on making Dragon!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Thread in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Thread.

Step 1 – Select Tool from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Cotton from the Elements panel and drop it on the Tool which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Thread in Little Alchemy
How to make Thread in Little Alchemy – Definition

Thread – a fine cord of flax, cotton, or other fibrous material spun out to considerable length, especially when composed of two or more filaments twisted together.

Congratulations on making Thread!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Knight in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Knight.

Step 1 – Select Human from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Armor from the Elements panel and drop it on the Human which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Knight in Little Alchemy
How to make Knight in Little Alchemy – Definition

Knight – a mounted soldier serving under a feudal superior in the Middle Ages.

Congratulations on making Knight!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Fabric in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Fabric.

Step 1 – Select Tool from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Thread from the Elements panel and drop it on the Tool which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Fabric in Little Alchemy
How to make Fabric in Little Alchemy – Definition

Fabric – a cloth made by weaving, knitting, or felting fibers: woolen fabrics.

Congratulations on making Fabric!

Now onwards to the next step in making Cape.

How to make Hero in Little Alchemy

The next step in creating Cape in Little Alchemy is to create Hero.

Step 1 – Select Knight from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Dragon from the Elements panel and drop it on the Knight which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Hero in Little Alchemy
How to make Hero in Little Alchemy – Definition

Hero – a person noted for courageous acts or nobility of character: He became a local hero when he saved the drowning child.Compare heroine (def. 1).

Congratulations on making Hero!

Now onwards to the last step in making Cape.

How to make Cape in Little Alchemy

Step 1 – Select Hero from the Elements panel and drag it on the playing board

Step 2 – Select Fabric from the Elements panel and drop it on the Hero which you already placed on the playing board in step 1.

How to make Cape in Little Alchemy
How to make Cape in Little Alchemy – Definition

Cape – a sleeveless garment of various lengths, fastened around the neck and falling loosely from the shoulders, worn separately or attached to a coat or other outer garment.

Congratulations you have completed the detailed steps on How to make Cape in Little Alchemy!

How to make Cape in Little Alchemy – Additional Items

Now you have made Cape in Little Alchemy, you may like to visit the link(s) below (if we’ve got to it) to see what Atmosphere is used in making to expand your item set:

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